In to day’s lifestyle of compressed time frames & rushed schedules, there is an increasing need to find a place of repose- a place to calm & centre oneself.
 Nature has been known to be restorative & re-charge spent state of being. There’s another significant way that nature works: By enhancing the positive. ‘Positive sensory experiences trigger
positive responses and reactions.’
 ‘We can’t actually measure the level of endorphins in a person’s body, but through brain imaging we can see that parts of the brain that are rich in endorphin
receptors become active when there is positive stimulus, such as seeing a beautiful vista, or smelling a fragrant plant, or hearing birdsong. And perhaps this is why gardens and other natural
landscapes are so restorative: They provide a multi sensory experience in which more than one positive response is triggered – light, colour, sound, scent, touch – all combine to a create a rich positive
experience. A lot of data out there in neuroscience research tells us that place matters. We are affected by our environment, and if we manipulate our surroundings to reduce stress and to provide positive
responses, we will benefit.’ Esther Sternberg
Healing gardens are just that- whether they are community gardens, sensory gardens, memorials or prison gardens-they have the power to help people live healthier, happier,
 satisfactory lives.



In carrying forward this conversation, this year’s Gold Medal at the Chelsea Flower Show is also about community gardens.

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