Wire Tunnel Garden

Here is a house on a corner plot. The owners didn’t want a fence but wanted to define the edge of their property.

We have created a naturalistic looking boundary using native grasses – Lomandra longifolia ‘Tanika’- a very hardy and effective edging plant material.

Yet another edging method – Clematis glycinoides twining inside a wire tunnel.

Intersecting Hedge

This garden had tall Eucalyptus syncarpia glomulifera and Liquidambers shading out the turfed area. The soil had been compacted as it acted as an extension of the driveway! We decided to do away with the grass as it was also hard to mow between the trees.

To lead the eye from the driveway to the house entrance, two curved intersecting hedges with a pebbled dry ‘river’ joining them are stretched between two conical ‘Topiaries’.

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